Howick Church of England Primary School

“I can do all this through Him who gives me strength."

Collective Worship


Our school community recognises and values worship as being central to our school.  

We are proud of how our pupils talk openly and enthusiastically about worship and the impact that it has on their lives.

Our daily worship, both whole school and in classes, offers everyone the opportunity to pray and reflect in a creative and engaging way with lots of opportunities to encounter the teachings of Jesus and explore the relevance of his teachings in today's world.    This daily invitational offer gives everyone the chance to join in whilst also allowing the freedom for those of other faiths and none to be present with integrity.  

Prayer and Reflection Area

Our outdoor area is used as a quiet space for our children to think, reflect, chat with God and engage with the message of our worships.

Worship Warriors

This year we are introducing Worship Warriors.  These children will be involved in planning a weekly worship based on the current news.

We look forward to seeing them develop their ideas,

Picture News – Croftway Academy

During the first week of the Autumn Term, we introduced Picture News.  Mr Hunt lead the worship on Monday which focused on 'keeping ourselves safe'.  The children then reflected on the worship in their class reflection areas throughout the week.  Later on this term, the worship warriors group will be taking a leading role in these sessions.